October 13, 2011



October 13, 2011

Pathfinder Therapeutics has finalized a clinical trial agreement with Robert Martin, M.D., at the University of Louisville Medical Center evaluating the utility of the Pathfinder technology for irreversible electroporation (IRE) procedures on the pancreas and liver.  Dr. Martin is the Sam and Lolita Weakley Professor of Surgery at University of Louisville and Division Director of Surgical Oncology.  He has completed fellowships in Surgical Oncology and Hepatobiliary Surgery at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.  In collaboration with Pathfinder clinical representatives, Dr.Martin will utilize Scout pre-operative planning software to generate 3-dimensional models of the organ, vessels, and lesion(s).  Intra-operatively, the Pathway guidance software will optically track the IRE needle and aid in the localization of lesion(s).  Additionally, Dr. Martin will utilize a modified version of the Pathfinder Shadow instrument, using it to track an ultrasound finger probe transducer.

About Pathfinder

Pathfinder Therapeutics, Inc. is a medical device company dedicated to increasing the number and effectiveness of surgeries on abdominal and other soft tissue organs. Pathfinder improves surgical precision by allowing surgeons to “see through” the organ they are operating on by registering the surgical instrument in three-dimensional space onto pre-operative patient medical images. Pathfinder is the first company to receive FDA clearance for a medical device to navigate liver surgery using preoperative medical images. The Explorer system uses state-of-the-art line of sight localization and laser range scanning surface registration techniques to show surgeons where they are in the context of their target organ and underlying structures. In addition to Explorer, Pathfinder sells Scout, a software system for liver surgery planning. The Company is also developing an embodiment of Explorer to be used in minimally invasive surgical interventions in the liver. Beyond the liver, Pathfinder is developing guidance systems for the kidney, pancreas, and other organs. For more information, visit  www.pathsurg.com