Heard of The Fun Theory? It’s a way to improve our lives by making unfun things fun.

Imagine how much better the world would be if it were a blast to recycle, use public trashcans, and be polite. Or if putting away toys was as thrilling for kids as making a mess in the first place.

Consider one man’s idea to reduce speeding: a roadside camera snaps the license plates of speeders and non-speeders. The speeders get tickets in the mail. The fines then get pooled and sent randomly to one lucky non-speeder — the winner of the safe-driving lottery! Guess what? It actually works. In a test in Stockholm, speeding dropped 22%.

This inspired us to create DietBet, a social dieting game that turns losing weight into a game. You can play with friends for money or for bragging rights. Either way, it’s a lot more fun to lose weight as part of a friendly competition. You’ll never do another solitary diet after experiencing the thrill of a dietbet.

It may not change your life, but then again it may. Lose a little weight, feel better about yourself and soon you’re busting out of whatever unhealthy rut you were in. And if your friends and co-workers are all at it with you, they’ll keep you honest and accountable. Recent research shows what we all know intuitively: change is easier when you have company.

Diet is no longer a dreaded four-letter word. It’s a game. And the camaraderie and spirit of the competition will energize you like never before. But don’t take our word for it. Set up a free game with friends today and see the results for yourself.

For more information, visit www.dietbet.com.